Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ronaldo Lupaz Video

I told you that someone would post the performance of Ronaldo Lupaz on youtube! Here is probably the hottest Ronaldo Lupaz youtube video right now. This is the Ronaldo Lupaz audition on American Idol. I think he'll be hotter than William Huang.

Help spread the word by emailing this page to a friend. I'd love to see the Ronaldo Lupaz American Idol video become more popular than the William Huang youtube video. C'mon, wasn't his performance before the judges of American Idol a lot funnier than "She Bangs" by William Huang?

You decide, here's the youtube video of Ronaldo Lupaz.

You decide with you're vote. We are the Internet, not some huge corporation who says people like Ronaldo Lupaz have no talent.

Here's two things you can do to help make the Ronaldo Lupaz youtube video more popular than the William Huang "she bangs" video.

1. Link to this page and/or email the link to this page to everyone you know.
2. Bookmark this page on Social Networks like Delicious, Reddit, Netscape. You should also Digg it and StumbleIt.

My goal is to make Ronaldo Lupaz youtube American Idol video more popular than William Huangs! Won't you help?

ronaldo lupaz video

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